They say that these “ghost contracts” should be sorted now, but there is an ongoing problem with “pending contracts” that are also blocking transfers. They’re currently working on a fix for those. It’s not clear if this second round of transfers will be free for everyone again, or if transfer tokens will just be offered to those who haven’t had a chance yet. The company have previously said they plan on selling transfer tokens in the future.

Players on World Y are not impacted, other than an influx of players on the world. World Y territory ownership persists after the merge. Companies are compensated 50K Coin, which is 3.3x the cost of war, for loss of territory ownership due to a world merge. World X characters are relocated to World Y - characters, companies, housing, gold, and owned items remain intact, but territory ownership will not persist on the new world.

“At this time we are not offering transfers to players after a world has been merged. This position may change as we learn more.”