The Smol Wars is a very simple mod. A single file, even. Just a change of numbers that reduces every character in Bannerlord down to 65% of their original size. That’s it. There’s no shortage of silly Bannerlord mods, but something about the directness of this just got me. The fact that everyone moves at the same pace, so their running animations are sped up like an old silent film. The way that horsemen, even friendly ones, become utterly terrifying because horses are unaffected - but their arms are too short to reach down and attack anyone effectively. Sitting around in a siege waiting for the enemy to inevitably breach the gate because your archers can’t see over the walls. Games are very serious and important.

Bannerlord mod makes everyone 65  of their normal size   but not horses - 21Bannerlord mod makes everyone 65  of their normal size   but not horses - 69