That’s how it was with Tale Of Immortal, a seemingly vast open-world, 2D action RPG which, overnight, seemed to have 90,000 positive Steam reviews after it launched back in January. Well, now the buffet window has been smashed, and Tale Of Immortal just added an English version. Tale Of Immortal is inspired by Chinese mythology and mystical arts. You run around, you smash apart swarms of things using a hotbar of skills, you level up to unlock new abilities, and you chat with NPCs. The world you’re exploring is rendered in a lush, hand-drawn art style, looking at times as if painted in water colour on parchment. A post on the game’s Steam page explains that the localisation is around 90% complete. Small future updates to the game might not immediately be localised, given the time it takes to translate, but the game should otherwise be perfectly playable now for those who can read English but not Chinese. If you’ve played the game before, your existing player profile might still default to Chinese language. You can change setting “语言——” from “简体中文” to English (Alpha) and restart the game, according to the developers. Tale Of Immortal is also currently available at 20% off, making it £12.39/€13.43 on Steam at the time of writing.