Wilmot’s Warehouse is the definitive “where did I put my glasses?” simulator. As the eponymous lovable quadrilateral, Wilmot, you are charged with the running of your own personal warehouse. Periodically, new products will be shipped in from the bottom of the warehouse, and new orders from customers will appear at the top. It is your job to organise your warehouse and its ever-increasing stock of infinitely reclassifiable products, so that your customers receive their orders as quickly as possible. How is this fun? I really don’t know. But it is. You probably heard us all wax lyrical about Wilmot’s Warehouse back when it was released on Itch back in August last year. It shortly became the talk of the team, and became our Can’t Stop Playing game of the month. Some heated arguments arose regarding how best to organise one’s warehouse. I personally like to organise everything first by background colour, and then by… I don’t know if function is the right word, because what exactly is the function of an autumn leaf? Or a heap of lilac-coloured poo? (I don’t know if that’s what it was, but that’s the meaning that my mind effortlessly attributed to that particular abstract swirl of colour, so I’m sticking with it.) Wilmot’s Warehouse makes me feel lost, confused, and at times even aggrieved - particularly during those frequent moments when I realise that I haven’t left myself enough room between my columns of stock to manoeuvre myself and the stack of orange dog bowls that one customer has inexplicably ordered me to produce. But despite this, it is absolutely one of the most enjoyable games of its year, and by far my favourite game on Itch. Oh, and it’s also on Steam.