It Takes Two tells the story of divorcing couple May and Cody, who find themselves trapped within the bodies of two dolls and working together to get back to their real bodies. Alice B called it “a really fun way to tell a bit of a boring story” in her It Takes Two review: I have no particular desire to see It Takes Two - or any other video game - be adapted into a film, TV series or commedia dell’arte. That’s partly because I’ve reached an age where the only particular desires I have all involve sleep or at least quiet night in, but it’s also that video game stories rarely seem like they’d benefit from being reconstituted as linear, passive entertainment. What I do have is a mild curiosity about how any adaptation might turn out, and it’s this rather than any creative urgency that I think movie studios seem to be preying upon. They know I check the contents of my hanky after a big sneeze, and they’re hoping I’ll want to check the viscous excretions of a live action My Friend Pedro. They may be right, but I resent the manipulation all the same.