It took a while. Though I’d played for 12 hours (plus more in the demo before launch) and had ostensibly won all the way up to difficulty level 9, I hadn’t won in a way that mattered to me. I hadn’t yet managed to do anything so daft that even the game took one look at my screen and said, “Whew, hold on, give me a moment to catch up here.” It feels good to finally win. I’m not ragging on 20 Minutes or Vampire Survivors for this, nor their makers. This is not a problem for me. If a run in either game is daft enough to make the game exceed its means and stumble, it’s good enough to be safe, so a few dropped frames won’t make any difference. And I am, of course, staring in wide-eyed delighted at all the explosions and particles zapping around my screen. I have a good PC, too! Well done, 20 Minutes, for crushing it. It makes that shiny new hardware (owned by the company, I stress) feel justified. Raytracing be damned; what I want from a GeForce 3070 is just so many explosions. 20 Minutes Till Dawn is available on Steam Early Access at the bargain price of £2.09/€2.39/$2.99. It’s great fun. “Like Vampire Survivors but you actually shoot” is how I would describe it, or “Like Crimsonland and Nova Drift, if you know those?”