“To take something that it’s been so long since the first instalment and sort of rethink what that could be and how we bring that into the modern era is a really interesting problem to solve,” game director Dan Neuburger said in a second vid. He added, “We are leaning very heavily on ‘what is a secret agent?’ and there’s a lot of gameplay diversity that comes into that, and we aren’t shying away from that.” Bit vague. From what the other folks in the vid said, we can probably expect fun spy movement with sliding and leaping and… it’s all vague. But I’m broadly up for sliding around. Considering we don’t even know what it is, nah, we don’t know when it’s coming out either. But I assume it’ll be on PC, because all Microsoft’s games are on PC these days. I’ve never played Perfect Dark. The first was on N64, and its prequel on Xbox. What’s it like, gang?