Unlike last year’s reader survey, which had a lot of RPS-specific questions, this year’s edition is much broader in scope, asking you questions about what types of games you like, what kind of hardware you own, what your gaming habits are, and so on. It’s been put together by our corporate dads at Reedpop UK, and so also includes questions about wider pop culture things as well, such as whether you like board games, cosplay in your spare time, and the kinds of streaming services you use to name just a couple. As always, it’s completely anonymous, and you can skip any questions you don’t fancy answering. Even better, you don’t even have to leave this page in order to fill it out this time, as our tech wizards have allowed us to embed this year’s survey into the very fabric of the RPS Treehouse (i.e: below). You can also fill it out here, too, if your browser cookies are showing nothing but a great white void, too. So, if you’ve got a spare moment today, please do consider filling it out. Thank you!