Seasonal spooking from Squirrel With A Gun (coming to Steam): I always like dodging around a battlefield with NPCs fighting, and when those NPCs are giant robots? Yes, thanks V.A Proxy (coming to Steam): Good fog, good explosions, and a good horde in the PvP base defense game currently known by the working title Legion Souls: A whole lot of prettiness going on here: You have a few more days to vote on whether parrying projectiles or a customisable horn honk is better, so maybe this from Niamh will help: Fella-rescuing shoot-o-platformer Moons Of Darsalon (coming to Steam) looks dead charming, I’ll have to check out the demo that’s up on Steam: Our weekly dose of grappling hook violence comes courtesy of Cyber Combat: An extremely cute mouse house: Into tech corner, here’s a good melting effect from the first-person shooter Hellscreen (coming to Steam): This roguelikelike’s fluid simulation makes me think of Noita, and I am always happy to think of Noita: Speaking of red fluids, I appreciate this look at bloodcraft in isolation: Let’s close out with a fun little bug: What else caught your eye this weekend, reader dear? For people who like peeks behind the scenes, I’ll explain my issue. Normally, I scroll down allll the way through Twitter’s latest #ScreenshotSaturday posts, looking at everything. Today, that cuts short and refuses to show anything older than a specific tweet posted just before midnight on Saturday. Other folks in the RPS treehouse get cut off at that point too. So I’ve tried to do my best with a Screenshot Saturday I mostly cannot see. Sorry, gang! Hopefully things will be back to normal by next weekend?