Hoverboarding and grapple-hooking and big monsters continue to look wild in Withersworn (coming to Steam): This is all very cute! I don’t understand how this is producing honey in Streamwalker Tribes, an “anime hero collection game designed for streamers to play together with their audiences”, but it is pretty: Bold poses before the violence starts in mecha shoot ’em up sequel Valfaris: Mecha Therion (coming to Steam): I’m game for devs planning for sequence-breaking, like this in NES-style platformer Prison City (coming to Steam): A neat work-in-progress animation for “boss rush platformer” Gurei (coming to Steam): A colourful fishing friend in the metroidvania Faerie Afterlight (coming to Steam): Those are big swords in Mortal Sin (coming to Steam): While I appreciate the freedom to go fast in all places at all times, this feels like nuisance behaviour in “platform-adventure game” Monospaced Lovers (coming to Steam). What if you bump into a neighbour! What if your whooshing tears tiles off their roof! Rude: I hope there’s a secret behind this pretty waterfall in Divining Rods (work-in-progress version available free from Itch.io): I respect this in climbing game New Heights, and I hate it to death: Yup, shadow-hopping game Schim continues to look super cute: And to close, I do believe it’s important to learn from your mistakes, but I absolutely recognise it can be funny to repeat them: What else caught your eye this weekend, reader dear?