Before we get there though, this week’s free game is the tactical roguelite, Crying Suns. Head over to the Epic Games Store to see the free stuff for yourself. Crying Suns is available to grab between now and January 14th at 4pm GMT (8am PT). It’s a 2D strategy game where you have to fight against space fleets and explore planets, and Sin thought was pretty good: “Crying Suns has a great atmosphere. It’s a grim prospect but presented with a near-military matter-of-factness, which is entirely appropriate for both your character (a revived clone of a talented space admiral) and your advisor/boss the AI Kaliban, who, like all their kind, is extremely intelligent, well aware of it, and absolutely fine with working with humans anyway.”

Looking forward to next week, do make sure you pick up Star Wars Battlefront 2, if you fancy it. It’ll be free from January 14 until January 21st, and it’s one of the best Star Wars games on PC, sez us. “If you’re after an authentic feeling, visually stunning romp through your favourite distant galaxy, then that’s one front on which the game doesn’t disappoint,” said Matt Cox in his Star Wars Battlefront 2 singleplayer review. It lost points in his multiplayer review, partially due to the loot crate fiasco which essentially made the game feel a bit pay-to-win. EA dumped those crates after a whole lot of backlash ages ago, however, so they won’t cause you any grief with this freebie.