Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Second Sister guide

Second Sister location How to beat The Second Sister - boss fight walkthrough (Jedi Master)

Second Sister location

Like many other bosses in Jedi: Fallen Order, you’ll encounter the Second Sister on the planet Zeffo - but only the second time you return there as part of Cal’s overarching story. The good news is that once you’re at this stage of the campaign, all you need to do is head straight to the mission marker on the map, and it’ll take you straight to the Second Sister, who is lying in wait in the Imperial Dig Site region of Zeffo. Of course, you’ll have to power your way through numerous Stormtroopers, Purge Troopers, and one or two Jotaz in order to get there; but once you do, you’ll be face to face with the most dangerous foe you’ve yet encountered.

How to beat The Second Sister boss fight

The key thing to know is that you don’t actually beat the Second Sister in this encounter, nor do you need to; all you need to do is get her down to half her health. The Second Sister’s strength and difficulty lie in how she can combo together strings of attacks with little warning; but careful use of deflects will help to shorten this fight considerably by breaking her posture as often as possible and getting in a few good hits before she recovers. There are two primary combos that she just loves to abuse (and that’s okay, because we’ll abuse it right back at her by deflecting them and dealing tonnes of stamina damage to her); a simple three-strike combo of blockable attacks, and a spinning attack which again hits three times, but in a much shorter span of time. Both these attacks are fairly easy to deal with on their own, either by deflecting or just blocking them; but you’ll need to watch out for the moments when she transitions from one of these combos into one of her two far more dangerous unblockable attacks.

The first unblockable attack is quite easy to see coming: she strikes once (blockable), leaping into the air; then she twists and turns red (WARNING! WARNING!) and then lands, planting her lightsaber deep into the ground - or into your pelvis, if you weren’t quick enough to roll out of the way. I rarely had trouble with this attack simply because it’s so clearly telegraphed by her leaping into the air. The second unblockable attack is far more irritating, because she works it seemingly randomly into the middle of a string of regular attacks. Again, she leaps into the air, but this time she spins horizontally and chops down towards you. There’s less warning here than with the other unblockable attack, and the worst part is that it’s often both preceded and succeeded by one or two blockable attacks, making it pretty difficult to come away from all this without sustaining at least some damage. But look for opportunities to heal while she’s recovering from such a move, and you’ll be good to go once again.

About halfway into the fight (once you get her down to three-quarters health), she’ll start to toy with you, zipping from one place to the next without attacking. Don’t fall for it; it’s a ruse. The fourth time she does this, she’ll quickly transition into her newest unblockable attack, which is a lunge with a fantastic range that will hit you even if you’re on the other side of the arena from her. She’ll continue to use this move until the end of the fight, so get used to the telltale flourish that she does ahead of time as she turns red. The absolute worst thing is when she occasionally strings two of these unblockables together in quick succession; this seems to happen most often in the form of her horizontal spin-and-chop, followed by her lunge. Which means the unblockable attack where she plants her lightsaber into the ground is when it’s safest to attack her. This is a challenging fight that requires skillful use of both deflects and dodges, but you can make the fight a little easier by utilising both your Force Slow (which should allow you to get a couple of free hits in), and your Leaping Slash (which if you haven’t picked up by now, you’re absolutely missing out - check out our Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order skill tree guide for full details!). Besides that, stay focused on reading her attacks rather than planning your own, and you’ll eventually get past this dangerous encounter.

Which brings us to the end of this boss walkthrough, and hopefully now you’re in a better state to tangle with the infamous Second Sister. But that’s not all we have on Jedi: Fallen Order, not by a long shot. Whether you’re after tips on another boss, or you’re looking to understand another aspect of this extensive game, be sure to check out our guide series below.

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