See, The Devil In Me is set in the hotel of death formerly operated by the United States’ pioneering serial killer H. H. Holmes. Holmes apparently liked setting elaborate traps for his victims back in the day, which some copycat is now trying to emulate. You’ll play as members of the Lonnit Entertainment TV crew, who’ve been mysteriously summoned to the infamous murder hotel by a bloke with the fantastic name of Granthem Du’Met. Predictably, he turns out to not be a solid lead on work, and Supermassive say you’ll be “observed, isolated, and manipulated like rats in a maze”. Ooh err. Pip Torrens is once again back as the eerie Curator to oversee this last instalment of season one of The Dark Pictures Anthology. Developers Supermassive managed to put out a whole other game this year alongside wrapping up the first season, which Alice Bee thought was an improvement on their anthology series in her The Quarry review. “The Quarry improves on almost all the flaws of Supermassive’s Dark Pictures Anthology, and picks up the baton from Until Dawn as if all those years haven’t passed at all,” she said. “It’s cool, creepy, a bit funny, and a great summer horror treat for anyone missing monster movies.” The Dark Pictures Anthology: The Devil In Me will strike sometime this autumn – it’s highly likely to be out in the spooky month of October, like the last few games in the series. You’ll be able to catch it on Steam, as well as consoles, unless it gets you first.