We already knew about the next Game Fest which will run from the 7th to the 13th of October. A Steam Game Festival is a nice little event where Steam puts up loads of free demos for people to play, and hosts a bunch of dev talks and livestreams. The first ran alongside last year’s Game Awards, giving players the opportunity to try out demos for some of the newly-teased games. That one was partnered with The Game Awards, but all the Festivals since and going forward are run by Valve themselves. There was one back in spring, which had a 40 demos on offer. Then summer rolled around with the biggest one yet, shoving 900 game demos into our faces. We played as many as we possibly could, alas, 900 demos is just a few too many for one small website. We still managed to make a bunch of good lists of the best ones, though.

It’s cool to see companies like Valve really start to pick up on this these digital events. It may have taken a pandemic for them to properly give it a try, but with Festivals planned well into 2021, it’s clear they’ve realised these virtual experiences are worth having regardless. For more info on what to expect this October, keep an eye on the Steam page to stay up to date.