Headlines and Hot Takes is full of chat on what the publisher packed into a half an hour last week. And, yes, while the cat looked decent, and the first-person card shooter-thing looked intriguing, Echoes Of The Eye definitely takes up most of our time. We’ve also renamed Tech Corner, because you and I both know it’ll be Steam Deck from now until December. It’s been a bit quiet when it comes to new releases, but Matthew found some time to have a go on twin-stick shooter The Ascent. While the couple of hours he played didn’t blow him away, it’s definitely worth a look via Game Pass. Xbox’s subscription service also gave me a chance to play some of the very pleasant Omno. This week’s Mystery Steam Reviews is all about video games that were made by studios that have since closed down. And we round out the show by opening The Weekspot mailbag to answer your Burning Questions on indie games, Olympic sports, and Mog. If you’ve got any Burning Questions for us, you can reach us by emailing weekspot@rockpapershotgun.com, or you can stick them in the comments here.