Goru the Mightree is the big-ticket card here, giving all future Treants +1/+1, making them 3/3s. Given the number of Treants you’ll be summoning, this is pretty significant, particularly since at 7 mana, this Legendary minion comes down on the turn before The Forest’s Aid. You’re basically looking to just get a big board of Treants and keep attacking until your opponent can’t take it anymore. Aeroponics is a new and powerful addition to this deck too, and you’ll regularly be able to draw 2 cards for 0 mana thanks to this card’s stipulation. You’ll also be able to activate Garden Gnome with it, and Garden Gnome directly discounts the card. Basically, Treant Druid is looking much more viable than ever before. In the latest version of our Treant Druid guide, we’ve got the deck we’re going for at the start of Scholomance Academy. Select and copy the long ID string below, then create a deck in Hearthstone to export this deck into your game. Deck Import ID: - General strategy Treant Druid is a board control deck. You’re trying to trade effectively and use the Treant-based synergies to overwhelm your opponent’s ability to keep up. You’ve got some spicy late-game plays as well, so if you’re struggling to finish the enemy off, there’s a few cards to fall back on. Early game: Get your early minions in play as quickly as possible. Acornbearer is a great starting point, as it’s able to get buffed by Adorable Infestation which makes for a great start when used alongside the likes of Lightning Bloom and The Coin. Alternatively, Shrubadier gives you a Treant on turn 2 along with a handy 1/1 minion alongside it. These are nice stats to have on board early, and as long as you draw some of your cheap cards you should be off to a fast start. Mid game: It’s pretty likely your Garden Gnome is active at most points in the game. Runic Carvings, Aeroponics, and The Forest’s Aid all activate it and let you summon two 2/2 Treants along with the 2/3 original minion. If you have minions sticking to the board, make them even more sticky with Soul of the Forest, and drawing 2 with Aeroponics is always a good play if it’s discounted. With even one Treant in play this card is as good as Arcane Intellect, and it’s pretty easy to make it even cheaper. Your game plan is basically to chip away at your enemy’s health and try to get a board of Treants to stick. If you can do that, a Savage Roar lethal is often possible, but if not you can always create a tall board with a beefy Speaker Gidra. Late game: If at all possible, Goru the Mightree on turn 7 is a powerful play. He buffs your Treants by +1/+1 for the entire rest of the game, including any Treants already on board. He’s also not insignificant as a threat, at 5/10 with Taunt to protect your minions and face. This comes just before The Forest’s Aid too, and with the buff you should have a board with 15/15 worth of stats for just 8 mana, with the opportunity to either do it again or buff them all with your myriad spells and other boosts. Cenarius, Power of the Wild, Savage Roar and Blessing of the Ancients all work brilliantly here if you’ve teched them into your deck. These power plays should be enough to finish the game, but even if you don’t, your Twinspell versions of The Forest’s Aid are a constant source of irritation for your opponent and there’s a chance they’ll just run out of answers.

Treant Druid Mulligan guide

These are the cards you’ll want to make the best possible start with Treant Druid:

  1. Acornbearer offers early trading opportunities along with tokens in hand for later. 2. Shrubadier is strong for the same reason. You want to start the game fast, and 2 mana for 3/3 worth of stats and a Treant fit that description nicely. 3. It might be worth holding onto Garden Gnome, as the 4 mana 6/7 worth of stats it offers can be hugely beneficial for piling pressure onto your opponent.

Treant Druid tips, combos and synergies

Here’s an overview of the synergies to look out for in this Treant Druid deck. We’ll keep you updated as the meta develops!

  • Don’t be afraid to use your buff cards early. If your opponent fails to clear a few Treants off the board, beefing them up with Power of the Wild or Blessing of the Ancients can spell your foe’s imminent doom.
  • Transforming your Treants into 5/5 Ancients with Treespeaker means they don’t benefit from buffs from the likes of Goru the Mightree, and they don’t activate Mulchmuncher or Aeroponics. Even so, you’re beefing them up a significant amount and it’s often worth it. Just don’t forget to attack first, as the Ancients need to wait a turn before attacking.
  • Speaker Gidra gains Attack and Health equal to the cost of the next spell you play, meaning you could end up with +8/+8 if you get The Forest’s Aid out there. Combined with Gidra’s Windfury, this could spell a swift death for your enemy.
  • The Forest’s Aid has Twinspell, meaning you get a total of four casts of the spell. This, combined with Goru the Mightree’s Battlecry can be enough to overwhelm your foe, especially combined with Power of the Wild and other buffs.
  • Remember that Overflow heals all characters, including the enemy minions and Hero, so factor that into your plans for lethal.
  • Don’t forget to play Anubisath Defender after playing a big spell - it’s a free Taunt that’ll always be a threat to the enemy.
  • Dendrologist lets you Discover a spell, but only if you control a Treant. The card will be highlighted yellow in your hand to indicate this, so keep an eye out.
Treant Token Druid deck list guide   Scholomance Academy   Hearthstone  August 2020  - 38