Below you can take a look at a few useful Wordle hints in case you need a bit of help figuring out the solution. And further below, we’ll reveal today’s Wordle answer itself, along with the word’s meaning for those who need it. Wrong day? Check out the Wordle answer for Tuesday 14 February instead!

Wordle June 24 hints

If you feel like you need a little bit of help elucidating the Wordle answer today, then you’ve come to the right place. Take a look at the below Wordle hints and see if you can figure it out before we reveal the solution below:

Today’s Wordle word is often used in the context of a godlike action. The first letter is “S”. There are vowels in the 3rd and 5th positions.

Today’s Wordle answer June 24

Today’s Wordle answer is: SMITE. To smite: a vengeful deity’s favourite pasttime. Smite literally means strike - as in, you can smite someone with a blow to the head. But the word more commonly has rather more divine connotations. A god of thunder might smite you with one of their lightning bolts for daring to question their might. Or perhaps you might instead be smote by spoiling today’s Wordle answer to those who haven’t yet played the game. Divine retribution awaits those who use the knowledge contained within this guide for evil rather than good. Alright, we’re done here for the day. Another Wordle completed, or perhaps failed. Regardless of which, you may want to brush up on your Wordling skills by taking a look at our selection of handy guides. There’s our best Wordle starting words list to help you get off to a great start with each Wordle puzzle; and also a useful compendium of past Wordle answers so you can see which words have already been chosen before today.